Get a competitive edge with a Master of Project Management

If you’re looking to get into one of the fastest growing job markets right now, our Master of Project Management could give you the competitive edge employers are looking for.

Get a competitive edge with a Master of Project Management

Every project needs someone to manage it. No matter the industry, it’s vital that someone keeps everything ticking over smoothly. But there’s a lot involved in being an effective project manager, and many of these skills can transfer effortlessly to other jobs as well – which is why our Master of Project Management is so popular with those wanting to boost or switch up their career. So, if you’re looking to get into one of the fastest-growing job markets right now, our Master of Project Management could give you the competitive edge employers are looking for. Let’s get into why it’s such a powerful degree to have.

Where could your career go?

A degree in project management gives you so many practical skills that will help you find your way into senior roles. From big businesses to non-profits and everything in between, understanding how to coordinate and manage large projects is an invaluable skill. From managing time, cost, quality and risk to the entire process of strategic decision-making, you can make yourself essential in any workplace if you master these skills – here are just some of the job opportunities that could open up for you:

  • Project Manager
  • Portfolio Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Project Director
  • Project Consultant
  • Senior and Executive leadership roles

In sectors like IT, healthcare and construction, the demand for project managers is expected to grow massively over the next few years: there are expected to be 33% more jobs worldwide by 2027. As more technology gets introduced and more policies get discussed, people who can incorporate and harness these changes into big team projects will be a vital part of the workforce going forwards.

Salaries in this field have plenty of growing power, too. Depending on which role you go into, salaries in project management are expected to rise by 10-20% over the next 5-10 years, thanks to the uptick in demand. And as it stands now, project managers on larger or more complex projects can earn upwards of $150,000. Getting a Master of Project Management means you can fast-track your way to these more senior roles, learning indispensable professional skills from industry leaders and giving yourself a real advantage in the job market.

Want to see this in action? You can read about how one of our QUT Online alumni boosted her career with this exact degree right here:

What’s new in Project Management?

The software, techniques and methodologies in project management are ever-changing. So, to give our students a degree that directly translates to their careers, we draw from globally recognised frameworks and work closely with our network of industry leaders. That way, the skills we teach are always future-focused and cutting-edge. Here are some of the exciting updates from the world of Project Management that we’re seeing happen right now:

  • Agile Project Management: A more responsive and iterative approach to project management, the Agile style is quickly becoming one of the most popular. Learning how to use this flexible framework will put you at the forefront of project management right now.
  • AI-powered tools: AI is finding its place in every single industry now, and project management is no exception. The tools available on the market have huge potential to streamline projects and make your life easier – so learn how to get them on your side.
  • Sustainable project management: Eco-friendly initiatives within project management are so important at the moment. More and more, ensuring that projects and practices are sustainable is one of the most important developments in this field.

Study it online

Most of our Master of Project Management students are working already, and are looking to boost their careers by adding more skills and experience to their resumes. So, our online course is custom-made to fit around their work and lives – and the same stands for you. Alongside the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) and our network of industry leaders, we’ve created an online course that teaches you everything you need to know to bridge the gap between project delivery and strategic decision-making. And the best part? You can study it from anywhere, so there’s nothing but a little hard work between you and your dream career.

This opportunity is there for the taking. The business acumen and project management skills you’ll learn through a Master of Project Management could be the next big stepping stone to the rewarding career you want – so what are you waiting for?

Learn more about the QUT Online Master of Project Management here.

Ready to apply?

Apply online by filling out our application form or speak to a Course Consultant on 1300 104 196.

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